

Paul Celan ; traduit de l'allemand et annoté par Jean Launay
出版情報: [Paris] : Seuil, c2002
シリーズ名: La librairie du XXIe siècle
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von Jean-Claude Corbeil, Ariane Archambault
出版情報: Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2008
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edited by Yoichi Higuchi
出版情報: [Tokyo] : University of Tokyo Press, c2001
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herausgegeben von Hans Hörling
出版情報: Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler, c2001
シリーズ名: Heine-Studien / herausgegeben von Joseph A. Kruse ; . Die französische Heine-Kritik ; Bd. 2
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herausgegeben von Hans Hörling
出版情報: Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler, c2002
シリーズ名: Heine-Studien / herausgegeben von Joseph A. Kruse ; . Die französische Heine-Kritik ; Bd. 3
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edited by Katharina Boele-Woelki & Willem Grosheide
出版情報: Austin : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, c2007
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The future of European contract law : some questions and some answers Guido Alpa
Where do we stand on the Rome I regulation? Katharina Boele-Woelki/Vesna Lazić
The geopolitical role of a European contract code Mauro Bussani
European contract law in view of technical and economic regulation Serge Gijrath, Jan Smits
Closer cooperation in European Community contract law Peter-Christian Müler-Graff
Does contract law have a future? Rodolfo Sacco
The principle of social conformity Carla Sieburgh
Maximum or minimum harmonisation : what kind of "Europe" do we want? Stephen Weatherill
The common frame of reference and insurance contract law Jürgen Basedow
Common frame of reference : conciliation or clash? Carlo Castronovo
The principles of European law on service contracts : the rules on medical treatment in a future Europe compared to the rules in the Netherlands Steven Bartels, Ivo Giesen
Les principes d'Unidroit et la protection de la partie faible Marcel Fontaine
Termination for breach of contract in the CISG, the principles of European contract law, the Unidroit principles of international commercial contracts and Chinese Law Ole Lando
The Italian consumer code : a milestone or a monument? Luisa Antoniolli
Intruding into contracts between others : the English way Stathis Banakas
Reflections on the protection of the weak party in Dutch and EU contract law Willem Grosheide
Die Europäsierung des schweizerischen Privatrechts : das Beispiel des Reiserechts Bernd Stauder
Multivalent logic and the Rome Convention Patrick Glenn
Unjustified enrichment and Condictio indebiti in European Community law Arthur Hartkamp
Does it matter whether Culpa in contrahendo is located in tort/delict or contract? Willibald Posch
Enforced performance in European contract law : the story of the poor Banabans and the hope for happier Europeans Oliver Remien
The interpretation of concepts in European private law Simon Whittaker
SMEs in European contract law Martijn Hesselink
Consumer contracts for electronic communications services Paul Knol
Some considerations on Cassis de Dijon and the control of unfair contract terms in consumer contracts Hans-W. Micklitz
Consumer protection on the single market : self-regulation for dating services Thom van Mierlo
Who is a Consumer? Jules Stuyck
The future of European contract law : some questions and some answers Guido Alpa
Where do we stand on the Rome I regulation? Katharina Boele-Woelki/Vesna Lazić
The geopolitical role of a European contract code Mauro Bussani


出版情報: 東京 : 東京大学出版会, 2002.9
シリーズ名: シリーズ言語科学 ; 2 . 認知言語学||ニンチ ゲンゴガク ; 1
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