

by Charles Dickens ; with translation and notes by E. Hori
出版情報: 東京 : 英文學社, 1928
シリーズ名: World's classics in English ; 16
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by Charles Dickens ; with thirteen illustrations by E.G. Dalziel ... [et al.] ; and an introduction by Margaret Lane
出版情報: London ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1956
シリーズ名: The Oxford illustrated Dickens
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目次情報: 続きを見る
A Christmas tree
What Christmas is as we grow older
The poor relation's story
The child's story
The schoolboy's story
Nobody's story
The seven poor travellers
The wreck of the Golden Mary
The perils of certain English prisoners
Going into society
The haunted house
A message from the sea
Tom Tiddler's ground
Somebody's luggage
Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings
Mrs. Lirriper's legacy
Doctor Marigold
Mugby junction
No thoroughfare
The lazy tour of two idle apprentices
A Christmas tree
What Christmas is as we grow older
The poor relation's story