

Anatoli Ljadow ; nach den Quellen herausgegeben von Christoph Hellmundt ; Fingersatzbezeichnung von Günter Philipp
出版情報: Frankfurt : Peters, c1974
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Spielereien : Birjulki = Бирюлки = Spillikins : birulki = Birioulki. Op. 2 Nr. 1 ; Nr. 2 ; Nr. 5 ; Nr. 6 ; Nr. 8
Mazurka, Op. 3 Nr. 4 = Мазурка
Arabeske, Op. 4 Nr. 4 = Арабеска = Arabesque
Intermezzo, Op. 7 Nr. 2 = Интермеццо
Mazurka, Op. 10 Nr. 2 = Мазурка
Prelude, Op. 11 Nr. 1 = Прелюдия
Mazurka : en mode dorien, Op. 11 Nr. 2 = Мазурка : в дорийском ладе
Mazurka, Op. 15 Nr. 2 = Мазурка
Zwei Skizzen, Op. 17 = Два наброска = Two bagatelles = Deux bagatelles
Von Alten Zeiten : Ballade : Op. 21 = Про старину = From days of old = Des temps anciens
Kleiner Walzer : Op. 26 = Маленький вальс = Little waltz = Petite valse
Prelude, Op. 27 Nr. 1 = Прелюдия
Prelude, Op. 31 Nr. 2 = Прелюдия
Die Spieldose : Scherzwalzer : Op. 32 = Музыкальная табакерка : вальс-шутка = The musical bax : jesting waltz = Une tabatière à musique : valse badinage
Etüde, Op. 40 Nr. 1 = Этюд = Study = Etude
Prelude, Op. 40 Nr. 3 = Прелюдия
Barkarole, Op. 44 = Баркарола = Barcarolle
Prelude, Op. 46 Nr. 4 = Прелюдия
Drei Stücke, Op. 57 = Три пьесы = Three pieces = Trois morceaux
Vier Stücke, Op. 64 = Четыре пьесы = Four pieces = Quatre morceaux
Spielereien : Birjulki = Бирюлки = Spillikins : birulki = Birioulki. Op. 2 Nr. 1 ; Nr. 2 ; Nr. 5 ; Nr. 6 ; Nr. 8
Mazurka, Op. 3 Nr. 4 = Мазурка
Arabeske, Op. 4 Nr. 4 = Арабеска = Arabesque


selected, with introduction and notes, by Richard Jackson
出版情報: New York : Dover Publications, c1974
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Ah! may the red rose live alway!
Beautiful dreamer
Better times are coming
Camptown races [gwine to run all night]
Come where my love lies dreaming
Don't bet your money on de Shanghai
Down among the cane-brakes
Gentle Annie
Gentle Lena Clare
The Glendy Burk
Hard times come again no more
If you've only got a moustache
Jeanie with the light brown hair
Maggie by my side
Massa's in de cold ground
My old Kentucky home, good night
My wife is a most knowing woman
Nelly Bly
Nelly was a lady
Nothing but a plain old soldier
Oh! Susanna
Old Black Joe
Old dog tray
Old folks at home
Old uncle Ned
Open thy lattice love
Ring de banjo
Some folks
The song of all songs
That's what's the matter
There are plenty of fish in the sea
There's a good time coming
Thou art the queen of my song
The village maiden
The voices that are gone
Way down in Ca-i-ro
We are coming, Father Abraam, 300,000 more
When this dreadful war is ended
Willie has gone to the war
Wilt thou be gone, love?
Ah! may the red rose live alway!
Beautiful dreamer
Better times are coming