

edited by Shuzo Teruoka ; translated by Sarah Ham Akamine
出版情報: New Delhi : Ajay Kumar Jain for Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2008
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The agrarian origins of modern Japan Kozaburo Kato
The establishment of Japanese capitalism : 1888 to World War I Keiji Ushiyama
The transition to monopoly capitalism : World War I to the Great Depression Yuichi Hayashi
The Great Depression through World War II Yuichi Hayashi
Reconstruction of Japanese capitalism and land reform under occupation Shuzo Teruoka
Rapid economic growth : 1950s through the early 1970s Shuzo Teruoka
Japan'emergence as a major economic power and a minor agricultural nation : 1970s to 2000 Shuzo Teruoka
The agrarian origins of modern Japan Kozaburo Kato
The establishment of Japanese capitalism : 1888 to World War I Keiji Ushiyama
The transition to monopoly capitalism : World War I to the Great Depression Yuichi Hayashi


出版情報: 東京 : 有斐閣, 2003.12
シリーズ名: 有斐閣ブックス
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